
  1. VIDEO The people against King Charles: how protesters are getting ready for the coronation

    Sad day for Charles= free loader :razz:
  2. NEWS King Charles made ruler of France in historical blunder

    New versions of one of the oldest ecclesiastical books in the English language are being withdrawn from sale after they mistakenly stated that Charles III was the King of France and Ireland. Cambridge University Press, known as the King’s Printer, publishes the Book of Common Prayer on behalf of...
  3. VIDEO The Terrible Fate Of Marie Antoinette's Children | The Lost Dauphin of France And His Siblings

  4. VIDEO London prepares for the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II

  5. VIDEO What if America Had A King?

    :usa: :zoned:
  6. SATIRE Legally I can kill him, Queen confirms

    THE QUEEN has confirmed that if President Trump makes a state visit, she can kill him with a sword and nobody can touch her. Palace staff have assured the Queen that, according to English law, Trump is a subject of the Crown and can, if judged to be damaging the monarchy, be dispatched without...
  7. VIDEO Why Doesn't the Queen of England Need a Passport?

  8. Russian artist from Syberia pays pearl tribute to Queen

    A Russian artist in Siberia has spent a small personal fortune on over a thousand pearls for a religious painting he has made for the Queen. Clad in embroidered robes, Adam and Eve sit in thrones on a suspended Garden of Eden in Anatoly Pastyrev's painting, which is crowned by a Russian...
  9. [APRIL FOOL] April Fools' jokes poke fun at royal wedding

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Britain's royal wedding is off! Oh no it's not, it's an April Fools' joke. The big royal occasion later this month was the top target for traditional April 1 pranks in the press on Friday, including bride-to-be Kate Middleton shopping for baby clothes and...
  10. Queen's Facebook page hijacked by anti-Royalists

    Users have been flocking to the Queen's new Facebook page to post abusive messages about the Duchess of Cornwall, it has emerged. The Queen's Facebook page - The British Monarchy - has attracted nearly 200,000 visitors since it launched on Monday. Royalists and republicans alike have logged...