mouse behavior


  2. Windows 8 Method to Disable Charms Bar

    I found this in another Forum. Many have asked how to do this: Very Cool!. The Charms Bar is still available, but does not pop up until you actually put your cursor in the Top, Right or Bottom Right corner and slide it along the right edge, then Charms pops up. Gives a way to not have Charms...
  3. L

    Windows 7 Stretching and dragging windows

    Windows 7 (or maybe my new laptop?) is giving me lots of trouble when I try to stretch a window. There are two problems: 1 - Sometimes when I grab an edge I end up moving the whole window. I believe in earlier Windows versions you had to click on the top section of the window to drag it...
  4. D

    Windows 7 Win7 Right Click Behavior

    So I finally switched over to Win7 am am really loving it so far save one thing... In WinXP when you right click an item on the task bar immediately beneath where you clicked is "close window" so you can simply right click left click to close a program out. In Win7 the right click menu begins...
  5. Windows 7 How to disable some strange windows 7 "features"

    1) If when dragging a window you bump the top edge of the screen it will make the window full screen. Since I never like to use full screen this is very annoying. How I turn it off? 2) Sometimes when attempting to move the cursor the screen will scroll instead of the cursor moving. What causes...