
  1. Windows 7 Web Camps TV #1 - ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1 and Razor Tips with Phil Haack

    Link RemovedIt's the first episode of Web Camps TV—the show that gets you inside the Microsoft Web Platform!* In this episode,*Link Removed talks to Link Removed, Senior PM on the ASP.NET MVC team, about*ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1. Phil shows off his demo skills as he takes us on a tour of the...
  2. C

    Windows 7 Local Host runs so slow on Windows 7

    Hi I switched from Xp to Windows 7 Pro. Since then I noticed when I run my website( mvc) in local host it goes so so slow(I mean like 10 to 20seconds per page). This should not be. I then tested it with sloppy to mimic a user of 256kb and it loads up alot faster(maybe 2-3seconds at...