noob guide

  1. rave300zx

    Windows 7 Oh no, not the MBR

    So I know this may seem very very noobish.. I am attempting to clean up a failed attempt on dual boot winxp on win 7. In the process I pushed a few to many button and deleted my MBR partition. Now the volume is unallocated and attached is picture of my disk management. Question is: 1. If i turn...
  2. B

    Windows 7 Printing with windows 7 netbook on printer connected to vista desktop

    Hey there guys, I would just like to say, I am not just posting this question anyhow. I have read around and I haven't found any solution to my problem, thus I have resorted in opening a new thread. So here is the prob: I have a Windows 7 Starter Edition netbook which is connected to a...