novice users

  1. Windows 8 Windows 8 is "Terrible," Says Usability Expert Jakob Nielsen

    Link Removed Windows 8 — Disappointing Usability for Both Novice & Power Users (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
  2. Windows 7 Formating Xp partition, using Windows 7

    Hey guys, I'm a novice with partitioning and formating etc, anyway I originally had Xp as my only OS, now I have windows 7 and Xp on dual boot. I want to format Xp off my disk, and I understand that the boot files located in the active boot (xp) will be lost, and I understand thats not good. So...
  3. W

    Windows 7 my view on windows 7

    I have had windows 7 32 bit now for about a week and I havent experienced any issue that I wouldnt have dealt with in a previous version.. The only thing I'm not enjoying is that there isnt a flash plug in for firefox yet, hopefully they get their butts in gear and make one!:rolleyes: I have...