
  1. Windows 7 The Full Stack, Part 1 - Building the Admin Site with ASP.NET MVC 3, NuPack and EF Code First

    Jesse Liberty and Jon Galloway are kicking off a new screencast series called The Full Stack. They're pair-programming, building out a full application from a server back-end down to Windows Phone, web, Silverlight, and wherever else the app-building process leads them. Join them for the ride...
  2. Windows 7 Web Camps TV #10 - WebMatrix Beta 2: Themes, Package Manager, NuPack, HTML 5 templates and more

    This week, Link Removedfrom the ASP.NET team and Link Removedtalk about WebMatrix Beta 2 and take a look at some of the new things—the Theming helper and Facebook Social Plugins helpers—that make it easy to add functionality to your websites. Additionally, we take a look at the Package Manager...
  3. Windows 7 TWC9: NuPack, WebMatrix Beta 2, MVC View Engines Reviewed

    This week on Channel 9, Dan is joined by Clint to discuss the week's top developer news, including: Scott Hanselman - NuPack Package Management for .NET used to easily add and update libraries and packages (Watch) Bil Sismer - Amusing take on Package Management (Watch) James Senior - WebCamps...
  4. Windows 7 Web Camps TV #8 - NuPack with Phil Haack

    Join Link Removed as he stops by Link Removed office to chat about NuPack - the new open source packaging technology for ASP.NET developers. In this interview James gets an exclusive look at the new way to quickly get features added into your web applications. Phil demos and discusses the...
  5. Windows 7 Web Camps TV #7 - WebMatrix Beta 2 Launches Today!

    Join Link Removedas he talks to Scott Hunter and Link Removedfrom the ASP.NET team about the new features that are in the new releases of WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages. WebMatrix provides everything you need to easily build, customize and deploy websites from scratch or by using open source...