oem versions

  1. J

    Windows 7 When closing some programs the window do not disappear

    I have 4 PCs running W7 Home Premium 32 bit all with the same annoying problem. Very often when I close Windows Live Mail 2011, Microsoft Security Essentials or Word Pad the corresponding process is killed but the window will not disappear before I click the Desktop Ikon. It only happens with...
  2. D

    Windows 7 What's the Rules Here?

    Look, I've been poking around this site for a bit now- not to mention about the web in general- and, I'm sure that somewhere, there might actually be a straight-forward answer to this (no doubt here-but, again, I couldn't seem to find it)- so, please forgive me for what is probably (yet another)...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Changing display language setting of Internet Explorer 8

    Hi I have been visiting Windows 7 forum for quite a long time but i've just registered today!I have two questions regarding IE8 and would greatly appreciate any help. I'm using Windows 7 home premium French version (OEM pre-installed). The internet explorer 8 which came with the system is in...