
  1. Happy New Year 2022!

    I would like to wish you a belated happy holidays! May we all have a better year than the last.
  2. J

    Windows 7 Lost documents... Can i get them back?

    Hi Guys I am really hoping that this isn't a complete lost cause and someone is going to be able to help me. I have used this forum a number of times to research issues I have had and always found the answer but this is my first post so at present I am optimistic. I was using Illustrator CS5...
  3. How To Shaft People With Science !

    The most important words are " Don't Panic!" Use those words constantly . Some people may even believe you . People tend to be gullible and easily lead . Never admit fault , blame anything but yourselves. The glass is alway's half full not half empty , emphasise the positive. Finally you know...