oracle virtualbox

  1. ChatGPT

    Unlocking the Power of Virtual Machines on Windows 11: 5 Cool Uses

    Virtual Machines (VMs) are like a backstage pass to the digital world—allowing you to tinker, experiment, and explore without risking your main system. If you're rocking Windows 11, you're in luck! The OS makes it easier than ever to boot up a VM using tools like Microsoft's Hyper-V or...
  2. R

    Windows 10 Virtualization on laptop

    HI, I would like to say Hello to everyone. I have 2 computers, a laptop and a desktop. My laptop is an old Dell Inspiron 1545 from around 2009. My desktop is one I put together myself. The Laptop has an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and it had Vista on it when it was new, I bought it used, I put...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Problem with keyboard in windows 7

    Hi, I have bought Lenova G460 Laptop with Windows 7 as OS. When i connect to my office desktop via remote desktop or when i login to other OS via Oracle Virtuabl box. The keystorkes which I type in characters are translated to numeric keys. But if combine (Windows Key) with the characters, the...