
  1. Windows 7 Going Deeper with Project Roslyn: Exposing the C# and VB compiler’s code analysis

    Until now, the VB and C# compilers have been used as black boxes. You put text in, and you get out a binary file. In our long-lead project, codename "Roslyn," we are changing that dynamic by building an API that exposes our compilers' analysis engines. In this session, we'll go in-depth in...
  2. Microsoft Security Advisory (2639658): Vulnerability in TrueType Font Parsing Could Allow Elevation

    Revision Note: V1.3 (November 8, 2011): Added link to MAPP Partners with Updated Protections in the Executive Summary. Revised impact statement for the workaround, Deny access to T2EMBED.DLL, to address a reoffer issue on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Also, revised the mitigating factors...
  3. Microsoft Security Advisory: Vulnerability in TrueType font parsing could allow elevation of privile

    Provides a link to Microsoft Security Advisory (2639658): Vulnerability in TrueType font parsing could allow elevation of privileges. More...
  4. An SVG graphic that has attributes that use large values may not be parsed correctly

    Fixes a problem in which an SVG graphic that has attributes that use large values may not be parsed correctly. More...
  5. Windows 7 TWC9: AutoTune.NET, Portable Libraries, Facebook + Azure, SQLR2 BI,

    This week on Channel 9, Dan and Brian discuss the week's top developer news, including [01:56s] Don Burnett - Windows Azure Toolkit for Facebook enables you to build Facebook applications using Windows Azure [02:34s] Yochay Kiriaty - Windows Push Notification Server Side Helper Library...
  6. Windows 7 C9 Lectures: Dr. Ralf Lämmel - AFP - The Quick Essence of Functional Programming

    We had to cover monads eventually, and there are many great monad tutorials out there (see, for example, here: In fact, there are web resources concerned solely with organizing the many monad tutorials available in the wild, and...
  7. Windows 7 Microsoft .NET framework error

    I have a new install and keep getting this error: Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Conversion from string "<br/>...