
  1. NEWS Inquest: Tragic Sophia 'may have starved' after government axed her benefits, inquest hears

    A young woman may have died from starvation after her benefits were cut off, a court heard. Sophia Yuferev was the latest in a series of patients whose inquests heard about problems with the short-staffed mental health trust NELFT (North East London NHS Foundation Trust)...
  2. VIDEO 'Tumors just vanished': Cancer patients now in remission after drug trial

  3. VIDEO Many Omicron patients “not as seriously ill” as in previous Covid waves say doctors - BBC News

  4. VIDEO Volume Of New COVID-19 Patients Makes Processing The First Problem | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

    :usa: :eek:
  5. VIDEO Trump Tells Coronavirus Patients To Go Back To Work

    :usa: :rolleyes:
  6. VIDEO End of life care for people with dementia

    :eek: :eek:
  7. NEWS Ebola serum supply reaches Liberia

    Liberia has begun treating Ebola patients with serum therapy - a treatment made from the blood of recovered survivors. Doctors hope the experimental treatment could help combat the virus that has been sweeping West Africa and killing thousands of people. Up to 13 December, 6,841 people had been...
  8. NEWS Ebola diary: where is everybody?

    There are many dreadful things about the Ebola outbreak, but the worst is the world's indifference to it. few months ago I read a blog of an MSF volunteer who found himself shouting over the beautiful jungled canopy of Sierra Leone “Where is everybody”? Today, four months after the World Health...
  9. VIDEO Health workers in Sierra Leone dance to cheer up Ebola patients

    :up: :peace: :fdance:
  10. NEWS Homeopaths sent to deadly Ebola hotspot to treat victims with ARSENIC and SNAKE VENOM

    Team spent days in remote Liberian hospital to prove that remedies work They planned to treat victims with 'rattlesnake venom' and 'Spanish Fly' Boasted of the 'unique opportunity' presented by deadly Ebola outbreak Claimed they would treat all European victims after proving success Ebola...
  11. NEWS Ebola-infected New York doctor improves; Dallas nurse reunited with dog

    (Reuters) - A New York doctor with Ebola, whose case triggered a national debate over mandatory quarantines for health workers returning from West Africa, was upgraded to stable condition on Saturday after nine days of treatment. Dr. Craig Spencer, 33, the only person in the United States...
  12. NEWS From Guinea to the U.S.: Timeline of first Ebola patient in New York City

    (CNN) -- A doctor who recently returned from Guinea has tested positive for Ebola -- the first case of the deadly virus in New York City and the fourth diagnosed in the United States. Here is a timeline of Craig Spencer's movements since he got back from the West African nation: When did he...
  13. Anorexia doc defends ‘sex toy treatment’

    A Danish doctor is claiming that he took naked photographs of anorexia patients and forced them to use sex toys in an attempt to make them feel better about their bodies. Read more: Link Removed
  14. Dentist Suspended for ... and ... on job

    Some dentists use laughing gas on the job, but one British dentist has been suspended for using the human kind instead. Authorities at the British General Dental Council say they will remove 35-year-old dentist from the official Dentist's Register next month for a variety of offensive...
  15. World's Oldest Doctor

    Link Removed Doctor, 100, still working after delivering 18,000 babies A doctor who has delivered 18,000 babies over a career spanning more than 60 years is still practising at 100 years old. Dr Walter Watson, nicknamed "Papa Doc", has been present at the births of...