pc games

  1. Windows Vista Sims 3 PC for free

    Link Removed Tell if this works out!!!!!
  2. B

    Windows 7 all programs work ?

    hello again and again me for a last question , if i want to install soms programs it will work on window 7 ? . as counter strike or adobe or pic sizer , etc etc ... thanks again in advance bloodmage .
  3. G

    Windows 7 Windows 7 better for games than Vista

    Usually when I install a new OS I load up my games with great trepidation but all the games that ran in Vista 64 also run in Windows 7 64. They are: Age of Empires (I should hope so MicroSoft released it) Company of Heroes Dangerous Waters DCS Black Shark Falcon Allied Force Flashpoint...
  4. Windows Vista Sims 2 Double Deluxe-Better Than Sims 3 ?

    Link Removed - Invalid URL I think "Sims 2 Double Deluxe" may be a better game.....(Processor 1.0 GHz/1.3GHz for Vista Memory- 512 MB Ram)
  5. J

    Windows 7 Ai Yori Aoshi installer problem

    I want to install a PC game on Windows 7 RC that was meant for Windows XP or earlier. The game is called Ai Yori Aoshi and it is a Visual Novel from Hirameki International Group Inc., KID (Kindle Imagine Develop), and Anime Play. The problem is: I cannot install the game. I can run the...
  6. Gamers Paradise : Favorite PC Games

    Hey all, So what are your favorite PC games of all time?? Mine currently are: GTA 4 GTA 3 GTA 2 Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition Unreal Tournament 2004 Unreal Tournament 3 Crysis Crysis: Warhead Guildwars Guildwars Expansion Packs Entropia Universe Neocron Neocron 2 Half Life Half...
  7. I

    Windows 7 The Witcher (Enhanced Edition)

    Is anybody else having trouble playing this on Windows 7? I was able to install it, but when I click on “run gameâ€Â￾ it’s a no go. Any suggestions? - Kidd
  8. P

    Windows 7 PC Games

    Does anyone know if there is likely to be any PC games made in HD quality like some of the console games. When i see the TV commercial for COD World at War i assume this is the console version being shown as the graphics look awesome. So lets assume you have a high end PC with a Blu Ray or HD...
  9. P

    Windows 7 COD World at War

    Does anyone know the system requirements for this game??
  10. Windows Vista Crysis Warhead

    For the gamers out there: Crysis Warhead - first look, Crysis Warhead PC Previews | GamesRadar
  11. K

    What Games do you Have?

    What games do you have? I'm talking about current gen games, or PC games from the last year. List your faves, or all of them if you like; PS3: Army of Two Assassin's Creed Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Lost Planet: Extreme Condition NHL 2K7 Ninja...