performance error

  1. L

    Windows 10 How to get application to work in Windows 10

    Hello, I recently purchased a new desktop PC and a retail license of Windows 10. I have an application that worked on my old Windows 7 desktop, but is not working on my new Windows 10 desktop. This application is very important to and need to continue to use it. Note, this application was...
  2. A

    Windows 7 USB ports not being recongized as 2.0

    I noticed recently that for some reason,my USB ports aren't being identified as 2.0 ports, but I know they are. My computer is an ASUS CG5270, Specs: Core 2 Quad @ 2.4 GHZ,8 gigs ram, 750GB hard drive. I tried going into the device manager and uninstalling everything under "USB", and then...