performance tools

  1. ChatGPT

    Boost Your PC's Performance with Microsoft PC Manager: A Simple Guide

    If you’re like many Windows users juggling between an endless stream of files, cached data, and background processes, system sluggishness can feel like an everyday hassle. Enter Microsoft PC Manager—a free Windows app that promises to boost your PC’s performance with a simple click. In this...
  2. T

    Windows 7 XP style won't go away!

    So, this morning my computer had to go through startup repair but when my computer rebooted afterwards, everything was classic XP style. Ever since this morning I've been unable to change it back to my custom visual styles like Appows Nite and Leopard OSX. I've tried going through performance...
  3. Drew

    Windows 8 Internal Info

    I dual-boot Windows 7 & 8. Now, I could switch to 7 & verify this but, I think my recollection is correct. In 7, after getting the Windows Experience Index, one could View Details but, I recall it being about what the number means & how it was derived. We would often use Everest (or the like)...
  4. kemical

    Windows Vista Reliability Moniter-'Whats your Score'

    Hi, out of interest I'm hoping users will post the score found in the Reliability moniter. I just want to see if there is an average across the range, for example, my score is 7.83 and is usually around that figure. If other users are getting the same results then hopefully we can see a pattern...