picture viewer

  1. Windows 10 Windows 10 Picture Viewer

    Greetings, I'm trying to get back my Photo Picture default that is with windows 10 but I can't uninstall it and when I go to the MS store it says it's installed but not working,can some guide me
  2. P

    Windows 7 How to change "OpenWith" user preference settings from cmdline?

    As you know some file may be opened by multiple installed programs. Assume I have 3 picture viewers installed for viewing *.jpg files. Currently the default program for opening these *.jpg is "aaa.exe" In the future I want to let the *.jpg open (by double clicking in Windows Explorer) by a...
  3. I

    Windows 7 Help with Windows Picture Viewer

    Good people! I've stumbled upon a problem. I was quick-editing pictures with the help of Picture viewer (essentially just rotating the pictures and then jumping on to the next picture). I then noticed that the pictures disappeared from their parent folder. This happened to about 10 pictures...
  4. S

    Windows 7 Task bar does not auto hide

    I just received my new computer with win7 and so far so good. One thing that is troubling is that the task bar will not auto-hide, even though it is selected. If I deselect it, apply, then select it and apply, it will drop down and come right back up. With programs like media player and...
  5. 5 Reasons to Move to Windows 7, Plus XP Advice

    This week, advice for Windows XP users: reasons to switch to Windows 7, plus workarounds for issues with Picture and Fax Viewer, and sleep mode. More...
  6. C

    Windows 7 screen color

    Hi.. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit.. The problem i'm having is this... this image is originally this... when i open it with any program be it windows picture viewer or photoshop or any other program i get a tint color as u can see in the first image...why is this happenig?? i've...
  7. Windows 7 COM Surrogate error

    Good night to all, I recently began experiencing the "COM Surrogate" error while opening up pretty much all pictures with Microsoft "Windows Photo Viewer" I'm attaching a screenshot. I found millions of suggestions online (codecs, Adobe CS3, CS4) but none seem to be working (and most wont...
  8. A

    Windows 7 mediasmart photo

    Can someone tell me how to use this? I open my memory stick and double click on the picture, which brings up the HP mediasmart photo and when I try to go to the next picture there is no arrow or anything to go forward or backward. It's probably something really simple...just don't know...
  9. T

    Windows 7 Trouble with pictures and wallpaper.

    Computer Specs: Compaq Presario CQ60 AMD Sempron SI-42 2.10 GHz 3.00 GB RAM Windows 7 32-bit Professional I installed Windows 7 on 10/23/09 (or close to that date) and I did a clean install. The key I got for it was from my work. It says it is activated. About a week ago when I turned...