
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Updates on Fukushima Fairewinds Associates - Arnie Gundersen - August 21, 2011

    "Newly released neutron data from three University of California San Diego scientists confirms Fairewinds' April analysis that the nuclear core at Fukushima Daiichi turned on and off after TEPCO claimed its reactors had been shutdown. This periodic nuclear chain reaction (inadvertent...
  2. whoosh

    Japan has doubled its estimate of the amount of radiation spewed out by the Fukushima nuclear plant

    Heartbreaking evacuations as Fukushima's nuclear fallout spreads BRENDAN TREMBATH: Japan has doubled its estimate of the amount of radiation spewed out by the Fukushima nuclear plant in the week after the crisis began. It comes after confirmation that plutonium has been found outside the...
  3. whoosh

    Plutonium found outside Fukushima plant

    Minute amounts of plutonium have been detected for the first time in soil outside the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Shinzo Kimura of Hokkaido University collected the roadside samples in Okumamachi, some 1.7 kilometers west of the front gate of the power station. They were taken during...
  4. whoosh

    All the measures at Fukushima are not working !

    77-year-old Michio Ishikawa of the Japan Nuclear Technology Institute on the situation at Fukushima I Nuke Plant, as he appeared on Asahi TV on April 29. As I watched the video, I started to like Mr. Ishikawa, who continues to believe in the safety of nuclear power generation. He didn't mince...
  5. whoosh

    Highly-toxic plutonium surfaces at Fukushima nuke plant

    TOKYO: Highly-toxic plutonium has been found in soil in five separate locations at the crippled Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in northeast Japan, the facility's operator said Tuesday, which has caused global concern about the growing severity of the crisis at the leaking plant. Owner and...
  6. whoosh

    Radioactive Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US West Coast Since March 18th

    Link Removed Radioactive Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US West Coast Since March 18th : Link Removed - Invalid URL
  7. whoosh

    When the Fukushima Meltdown Hits GroundwaterPosted: 15 Apr 2011 09:37 | How far from Pacific Ocean

    Fukushima is going to dwarf Chenobyl. The Japanese government has had a level 7 nuclear disaster going for almost a week but won’t admit it. The disaster is occurring the opposite way than Chernobyl, which exploded and stopped the reaction. At Fukushima, the reactions are getting worse. I...
  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima introduces Strontium to Enviroment

    Japan has admitted the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is on par with the one at Chernobyl. At the same time, Japan’s science and technology ministry reports strontium, a heavy radioactive metal that is a catalyst for leukemia, has been detected around the crippled reactors. In addition to...
  9. whoosh

    Fukushima Daiichi Radioactive Seawater Model, Spent Fuel Rods DID Explode Into Atmosphere

    ASR Limited, a marine consulting and research firm has released a radioactive seawater model that seems to confirm that radiation will spread throughout the pacific ocean. Remember, US and Japanese officials have gone on the record with their belief that radiation in the Pacific will not hurt...
  10. whoosh

    Is Japan hiding atomic bomb processing in Fukushima?

    Confused and often conflicting reports out of Fukushima 1 nuclear plant cannot be solely the result of tsunami-caused breakdowns, bungling or miscommunication. Inexplicable delays and half-baked explanations from Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and...
  11. whoosh

    Jimmy Carter and Fukushima

    THREE weeks after Japan's earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima nuclear power plant, spewing radiation as far as Iceland, clean-up crews have been working around the clock to bring the reactor under control and contain the leakage. Their life is a nightmare. "Crying is useless," wrote...
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Japan plutonium radiation and the Pacific Ocean

    Facts In Brief FISHERMEN AND SEAFOOD SUPPLIERS DELIVER APPROXIMATELY 300 SPECIES TO MARKET EACH YEAR, FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Tablets only protect us against Iodine 131, not against Cesium 134, 137, Plutonium, Uranium, and Strontium 90 radioactive particles. It’s not a surprise that the gov’ts...
  13. whoosh

    The Most Radioactive Place on Earth and It's Just 130km From Ireland

    THERE is a lake so radioactive you will die if you just LOOK into it for a few hours - and it's 130km from Ireland. Below the surface lies material so unstable it will explode if the air gets at it. It is so toxic it pollutes the wind that blows over it. So lethal that seagulls must be shot if...
  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima - Plutonium - Tritium - Uranium - Adgenda 21 - Sterility & Extinction -.Flv

  15. whoosh

    VIDEO HUGE PLUTONIUM LEAKAGE LAND & SEA - Japan Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Meltdown

  16. whoosh

    Nuclear Power Plants and Earthquakes in Japan

    Of the 31 nations and regions with nuclear power plants, Japan is the most at risk of being hit by an earthquake. Particularly worrisome is the fact that Japan has lots of nuclear power plants and nuclear power plants and nuclear treatment facilities are built in earthquake-prone areas. The...
  17. cybercore

    US sending robots to Japan to help nuclear plant

    Link Removed due to 404 Error The U.S. government is sending some robotic help to Japan to help regain control of the tsunami-damaged nuclear plant. A top Energy Department official told a Senate panel Tuesday that a shipment of "radiation hardened robotics" will be sent to Japan to assist...
  18. whoosh

    VIDEO Plutonium found at Fukushima nuclear site

  19. whoosh

    Radioactive water in tunnels under Japanese nuclear plant could be spilling into soil, ocean !

    The buildup of highly radioactive water in the tunnels beneath the Fukushima complex is hindering efforts to restore power to the facility. Traces of plutonium, w Reporting from Tokyo and Los Angeles— Water with extremely high levels of radiation has been accumulating in a tunnel complex at...
  20. cybercore

    Japan's Fukushima nuclear engineers are stalled by smoke at the reactor

    Efforts to restore power to the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan were stalled by smoke billowing from reactors yesterday. A cable that could allow cooling systems to be restored was attached to reactor No.2 – one of six at the tsunami-hit facility. But engineers had to...