prank your friends with bluescreensimuator.exe.
is the best application to prank your friends with a fake BSOD.
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I hope this is not to off-topic but I just found that website and will try it for sure: fakewindowsupdate (com)
It simulates Windows Updates (98, XP, 7 etc) but the Windows 10 is an Installation screen. Love the idea to use it with some of my friends who dont want to upgrade :)
Hope you got...
I'm currently running windows 7 home premium, 64 bit. A few days ago, I hopped into my cmd prompt to find that instead of the usual "Microsoft windows 7 [version 6.1 etc etc]" copyright notice, it just says "you lose".
I'm guessing this is a prank one of my mates pulled, but I can't figure out...