program association

  1. Windows 7 Win Explorer has no program association, MSO and other files launch Win Installer on or

    Hi All New to the forums but have been a computer user since 1980, so I do have a lot of background. About 2 weeks ago I made a mistake cleaning up installer files. I'd made this same mistake last year but didn't realize it right away and it caused all my MSO links to stop working unless I...
  2. D

    Windows 7 Registry problem? "... create an association in the Default Programs control panel"

    Hi, sorry if this is in the wrong thread, and for the general newbieness of my situation. I removed the Win 7 Home Security 2011 rogue antispyware using this guide: Link Removed This involves manually editing the registry, which I had not done before. I believe I have removed the virus, but I...
  3. A

    Windows 7 Error Message: Program Association

    I have three computers with windows 7. Only one of the three is currently giving me an error message of: "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action." I get this message when I go to "My Computer" and click on a file folder. I get the message before I click...
  4. Windows 7 File Issues

    i keep getting this message,it is absolutely driving me up the wall, This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action ...PLEASE HELP ME