
  1. Naftali

    Windows server - How to manage Synology NAS using FSRM ?

    How to manage Synology NAS using FSRM? For a school project, I've build a file server using windows server for "permission" et Synalogy NAS to stock folders. I want to know if there have a way to manage my shared folders from my windows server. Each user got folders named by her username, and...
  2. bochane

    Windows 10 Installed Outlook won't start, but can read email in browser

    I got an error message 'Onedrive Over Quota' and I started up cleaning. What ever went wrong, I don’t know, but the result is that my local installed Outlook wont start. I see just a the blue Outlook start screen with the message "Profile is being loaded" and after some time the message "Time...
  3. kemical

    OneDrive Storage changes a month away

    Microsoft recently informed users of OneDrive that the 15GB free storage is to be reduced to 5GB unless you opted out. The chance to opt out and retain the full 15GB was earlier this year but now has closed: Link Removed Subscribers to Office 365 will also see their unlimited storage reduced...
  4. News

    "Out of memory" error on a computer that has a customized MaxMemoryPerShellMB quota set and has WMF

  5. News

    Proquota.exe uses incorrect profile quota Group Policy settings in Windows Vista, in Windows 7, in W
