random disconnection

  1. Windows 10 PC freezes when wifi randomly disconnected

    Once it freezes, I can't move my mouse pointer or keyboard. Only to hard shutdown my PC. I did not update my drivers. Nothing is shown to windows update settings window. My PC is Dell Inspiron 15 3552. Driver name: Qualcomm QCA9565 802.11b/g/n Driver date: April 21, 2017 This just happens...
  2. Windows 10 Intermittent loss of connection - default gateway cannot be detected

    Relevant devices: Killer e2200 NIC (I know, mistakes were made) MSI Z87-G45 Motherboard (Ditto) Current drivers are the up to date (15th Aug 2016) standard drivers found here - Link Removed I used to use the Killer Suite, it was buggy, so I moved to the drivers-only version (this was when I...
  3. W

    Windows 7 Random disconnecting of network drives on Win7 PC

    I have 4 network external drives attached to my home network via router and 2 Linksys network storage link devices. My PC's that are connect to the home network are 3 in number. Two run XP and one is running Win7. The Win7 PC is the one with this problem. Randomly the network drives on the...