
  1. Windows 10 Mouse stops working randomly

    Hello, Since 2 weeks i have the issue that my mouse stops working randomly and just a restart fixes the problem. I tried to uninstall all updates exept the ones i couldnt uninstall but it still didnt work. I tried 4 mouses and everytimes the same issue. Please help me Thanks
  2. Windows 10 Windows 10 freezes randomly

    A couple days ago I installed a fresh Windows 10. Win10 Pro, latest version download from official Microsoft's web pages. After installation, I have updated the system with latest Windows updates. The system is fully up-to-date. But, computer freezes randomly and I can't do anything except...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Keyboard disconnects randomly

    Hey guys and here is my problem. About a year my computer and all devices were working just fine, but one beautiful day suddenly my keyboards stopped working, it disconnected somehow and I heard a sound when a device is plugged out, but my keyboards was plugged in, but I re-plugged my keyboard...
  4. An application or service that uses Winsock API or Winsock Kernel API may randomly stop responding i
