rdp connection

  1. J

    Remote Desktop Internal server error?

    I have 2 servers I cannot RDP into. The error is "An Internal Error Has Occurred" On these servers if I console on them I can use RDP to connect to other servers but not to themselves. I have checked evertying in the below article even removed and readded them to the domain. I'd rather not have...
  2. Catalin Alexandru 22

    vms3cap.sys BlueScreen

    Hi all. On a Windows Server 2012 R2 with Hyper-V role I run a Windows Server 2008R2 host. Sometimes, when I initiate an RDP connection on the host, without being able to establish a pattern, it gives me a crash on the vms3cap.sys driver. The issue first appeared in October after a host update. I...
  3. B

    Windows 7 Can not remote desktop connect to all computers on network

    We are running Windows 2008 Small Business Server and all workstations are Windows 7 Pro. We can remote desktop some of our workstations but others we can't. All of the settings seem to be the same on all of the workstations. The workstations that we can't remote desktop into, we can remote...