
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Kids React to Avril Lavigne - Hello Kitty

    :eek::eek: :razz::razz:
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Flame Gulping Engine

    :eek: :shocked:
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO The Dangerous Brothers

    :eek: :razz: :rofl: May contain gratuitous violence and intended adult language !!!
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO [Funny] Guy go crazy over missing Start button in Windows 8 reaction video!

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO SECRET VIDEO: Mitt Romney on 47% of Americans

  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Make Thermite out of Sand

  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Hypnotist knocked out during show left people in trance !

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Hitler reacts to SOPA.

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO KIDS REACT to Keyboard Cat

  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Angry Grandpa HATES Harold Camping

  11. whoosh

    VIDEO [SHOCK] Child run over two times - no reaction - scandal | Terrible video suitable for adults only !

  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Kids React To Numa Numa

  13. reghakr

    Netflix: We Thought You Would Be More Upset About The Price Hike

    The public reaction to the recent Netflix price change has calmed a bit, and although the interwebs are far from tranquil, we aren’t seeing the level of pure blinding rage directed at the company now that the announcement has had time to sink in. Read Full Story: Link Removed due to 404 Error
  14. News

    Why Microsoft Has Made Developers Horrified About Coding for Windows 8

    When Microsoft gave the first public demonstration of Windows 8 a week ago, the reaction from most circles was positive. The new Windows 8 user interface looks clean, attractive, and thoughtful, and in a first for a Microsoft desktop operating system, it’s finger friendly. Source: Yahoo! News
  15. reghakr

    Sony offers Playstation Network apology package

    Compensation plans to persuade users back to the Playstation Network have been met with a mixed response. Sony has offered incentives to return to the network after it was hit by a major hack attack, exposing details of 77 million users. It includes two free PS3 games from a choice of five...
  16. Grub

    VIDEO Guy passes out on slingshot!

    The pat on leg at the end is great! I'm thinking he says "you'll be right."
  17. whoosh

    VIDEO Hitler Reacts to the Half Blood Prince Movie Delay

  18. V

    Windows 7 Upgrading from WinXP

    I would be curious to get some reactions to those who have upgraded a WinXp system to Windows 7. I have installed the beta on a separate paration but when the final is released I would like to upgrade my existing winXP system. Just wanted to know how this would work out. Thanks.