In an unprecedented collaboration that echoes across borderlines of technology and environmental science, NASA and Microsoft have unveiled Earth Copilot, a groundbreaking AI-powered tool that aims to democratize access to the staggering troves of Earth science data held by NASA. This innovative...
Hello everyone,
As the field of technology continues to advance, Link Removed has emerged as a crucial concept, revolutionizing the way data is processed, stored, and managed. With the increasing demand for real-time data analysis and reduced latency, many companies are integrating edge...
So many great posts, so many new authors, so much great news! Here are just 23 of the shows, episodes and post from last week. But of course the big news was the release of Visual Studio 2015. If you missed the launch event, you can catch it all on demand here, Link Removed
Link Removed
channel 9
cloud solutions
defrag tools
developer news
iot journey
media services
office 365
patch and switch
react js
sql server
symbol proxy
unity 3d
user data
visual studio
web apps