
  1. K

    Windows 10 Indicator looking thing - Can't get rid of

    On the top right of my first monitor, there is a strange rectangle that takes over my screen, it acts non-existent. I cannot click on it or anything of that nature. I've tried everything, simply rebooting my computer, changing monitor settings, even resetting monitor settings, I've even tried...
  2. M

    Windows 7 Undocumented "Features"

    For the life of me, I can't find how to disable that little rectangle with arrows on either end that keeps popping up to help me! Can't even figure out what to call it except Satan. I don't know if it is associated with that critter, but I can move my mouse and find all my text shrinks or...
  3. R

    Windows 7 VB.NET and SetIconOverlay?

    how would i draw a semi-transparent rectangle with code for use with Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Taskbar.TaskbarManager.Instance.SetOverlayIcon? thanks
  4. A

    Windows 7 Error

    When i close my laptop and leave for a bit, come back, open it, i expect it to come on and ask for a log in straight away... but it comes up with a black background with a blue rectangle in the centre which has white writing on it, then it starts up as if i told it to shut down not stand by...