I have a *.reg script which just modifies (overwrites) the value of a certain, existing Registry key.
When I double click on it (similar to Win7) then a popup appears asking me if I really want to add the key.
After clicking Ok I was informed that the key value has been added successfully...
I know this is not specific to windows 7. I want to delete registry values using a .reg file so it can be batch processed.
I created a new registry within adobe :
I then created sample.reg file with the following...
The scenario is as follows:
A Win7 system has some problems and could NOT be booted itself.
So I took an additional bootable repair or LiveSystem CD and start the computer with it.
I have now a running WinOS and another dead Win7 e,g, on a partition C: on a hard disc.
Now I want to...
boot issues
boot repair
command line
data recovery
external registry
live system
registry editor
system files
system repair
windows 7
windows partition
I got windows 7 starter edition on my new netbook.
I'm trying to importing .reg file necessary to run a program that i use for work but i received that message.
I 'm the administrtor, the only user and i'm not virus affected.
I right-clicked on regedit.exe and selected "run ad administrator" but...
I created a regfile that modified the context menu so that I could just make one click to create a folder. It worked very well in XP but now that I have changed to Windows 7 it doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the contents of the reg file.
Windows Registry Editor...