registry mechanic

  1. A

    Windows 7 Odd Problem (Possibly smss.exe Related)

    Hello, I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit operating system. I had a major virus on my computer that I couldn't get rid of using different antivirus softwares. So, I used some special software I got that does a full 7-layer Department of Defense wipe with an additional layer of just 0's...
  2. wahn

    Windows Vista Windows Appearance

    I recently installed Registry Mechanic. I "optimized my services" with this program. Windows then switched from a Vista Appearance to a Windows XP appearance (ie. the taskbar is now grey instead of black) How do I reverse this in Vista?
  3. C

    Windows 7 hijackthis log for my pc...hmm

    So i'm really new to this, I just want to know what to take out. My IE is hijacked like crazy so idk, i think it been putting new virus in my pc or something. And I have been using a program that removes Trojans called Trojan Remover so yeah... Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan...