relief well

  1. BP gears up to halt oil spill confirmed 'world's worst'

    The US government has said the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the biggest accidental oil leak ever, as BP prepares its "static kill" operation to permanently seal its well. A new government estimate suggests BP's Macondo well leaked 4.9m barrels of oil before being capped last month...
  2. M

    BP shares soar as spill spreads

    This absolutely disgusts me. If anything, the US president should shutdown all BP PLC's assets. They don't deserve to continue operating as a petroleum company. HOUSTON (Reuters) - Drilling of a relief well seen as the most promising way to plug the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a...
  3. Gulf of Mexico oil leak 'worst US environment disaster'

    The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is the worst environmental disaster the US has faced, a senior official has said. White House energy adviser Carol Browner also said the US was "prepared for the worst scenario" that the leak might not be stopped before August. BP is to try a new tactic after its...