remote access

  1. Cardinal System

    Windows 7 Remote Shutdown Failure

    I tried to use remote shutdown (shutdown /i) to turn off one of my upstairs computers that I did not feel like walking to, but when I started it, I got an error saying "Access is denied. (5)". I made sure to follow the steps correctly, I opened CMD as administrator, typed "shutdown /i" hit...
  2. SemJ

    Windows 10 Looking for free bussiness alternatives to TeamViewer

    What is free or low cost remote support tools do you know ? Need used it for business, startup project. I found VNC, ultravnc, but it not so easy to use. Very good is LiteManager, but it is free only for up to 30 PC. (low cost solution) Do you know another one ?
  3. OldGuyGeek

    Windows 10 Use Quick Assist To Remotely Help Even on Windows Home

    I saw a tutorial about PSR and it is great for people that don't want you to access their PC, but sometimes you just have to take control of it. It used to be that you needed Remote Desktop and Pro versions of Windows. Then, you could use TeamViewer. But now, Microsoft has quietly added a neat...