
  1. Windows 7 Move Delete in the Context Menu.

    Going back to my days on XP, I lost count of the number of times I went to rename a file only for it to disappear because I'd clicked Delete in the Context Menu instead. This set me on a mission to find out how to change the order of the context menu entries, eventually stumbling across the...
  2. Windows 7 HOWTO: Remove Or Change The Start Button Balloon Tip

    This will permanently remove or change the Start Button "Start" balloon tip. I'm using Link Removed due to 404 Error for this tutorial. GoTo C:\Windows\en-US and Take Ownership of and then copy the explorer.exe.mui to somewhere safe. If you are running a 64 bit system you should also modify...
  3. Windows 7 explorer.exe (I need help!)

    Hey guys I was fiddling around with my pc trying to replace the start orb with the PS button (playstation) by using reshack. So I saved the original .bmp edited it in PS and saved it as a .bmp I then editied the registry to use my newly created psexplorer.exe. I then ended my original explorer...