
  1. J

    Windows 11 keyboard malfunction (Resolved)

    Help my keyboard is acting up, it is suddenly typing random letters like 'y' types y7, and 't' types t4. This happened when I was cleaning my keyboard while it was on, I don't know I broke my computer or pressed something. Sticky keys and key filters are off, I have reinstalled my keyboard...
  2. W

    Windows 10 Not Getting Code for Password Reset (RESOLVED)

    Hi, Ignore this.
  3. S

    I found "solved" in the 'prefix' folder, however not in the choices when a post is solved. How?

    When I left the page to review solutions, I could not return to check other solutions. Having the 'Solved' option in the prefix folder is only available when you create a post. Once the post is operational, "Prefix" is neither editable or available. When I have a resolved post, I am unable to...
  4. J

    Windows 7 XCopy Function - Permissions Issue?

    This was resolved. Sorry
  5. J

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Does Not Support Dual Monitors

    Problem resolved.
  6. M

    Windows 7 No network connection

    No network connection -- resolved --------------------- resolved, had gateway and ip adres mixed up ---------------------
  7. G

    Windows Vista Vista Ultimate, will my PC be sufficent?

    My issue has been resolved, thanks :)