restore disk

  1. D

    Windows 7 System back-up

    If I create a system restore disk or create a system image whilst backing up, do both take the current system image including all updates installed to the point of time I did the back-up ?
  2. F

    Windows 7 Boot manager/grub problem... I think?

    Dell Inspiron 1564 dual boot: Backtrack 5r1 and win7homepremium/8 Started innocently enough with me partitioning a drive to make space so I could test win7starter. I reboot to finalize the partition and I get the grub rescue error. I tried the super grub2 disk thing to no effect. I say screw...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Is Not Booting from the Correct File

    Hey guys, A while ago, I had a triple boot system, but now, I'm using one of the hard drives for something else, so now it is only dual-boot. However, for some reason, I cannot get Windows 7 to see the new boot file. I constructed the original boot system with EasyBCD. Absolutely no problems...
  4. C

    Windows 7 Hard Drive Partition Manager

    When I go into disk manager I see 2 partitions listed: Noname which a status of healthy (OEM Partition), Recovery, OS (C[:]) My question actually 2 questions and they are: 1. Why do I have a partion on my hard drive and what does it mean by (OEM Partition) 2. Can I get rid of the recovery...
  5. S

    Windows Vista Rollback to XP

    i got the rc1 of vista but now i want to go back to xp. my toshiba restore disk doesn't work and i don't have a dvd of of the vista software. is there a way i can go back.