right click menu

  1. hcooper

    Windows 11 Time left on battery and other issues

    Ok, so I am totally unimpressed with Windows 11 and the work they have done in making things streamline but now they are utterly awful and not nearly as quick or user friendly. Not only that but it seems like other softwares modified too and now they are garbage?? I will keep it to one thing...
  2. p0rkxch0p

    Windows 10 need help with groove music

    when i right click on an album in groove music theres no option to edit the album, any way to edit?
  3. Neemobeer

    Windows 10 Add File Templates to the Desktop > New Right Click Menu

    This tutorial will allow you to add template files of any type to the New menu when you right click on the desktop. Anything in the existing template file will automatically be in the newly created file. I'm going to add a template batch file that simply contains the batch command @echo OFF to...
  4. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 Version 10162 on slow ring!

    Hi I was surprised that CCleaner popped up saying that I had a lot of material to remove since I had run it last night. A quick check showed that I had a new "Windows.Old" folder. I went to Windows update and sure enough version 10162 was ready to install. I never realised that it created the...
  5. S

    Windows 7 File Names Missing, No Start Menu, No Right-Click Menu, BSOD's

    Hi, my laptop wouldn't access the operating system yesterday when turning it on & only worked after opening it up & pushing the harddrive in. On starting it up it forced me to access some samsung recovery options so I did that. Now the desktop appears & the files appear on my desktop but no...
  6. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 7 Question about Locate32?

    Hi I installed the latest version of Locate32 in place to the one I was using. I was surprised that it no longer seems to add a link on the right click drop down menu. But my question is about the way some files are showing up when I search. I ran a search for .tiff files in one of my photo...