
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Sandra Cygan Mielno Street performance violin Sandra dance Karolina and Claudia

  2. G

    Windows 7 Keyboard and Mouse Intermittently Stop Working

    Within the last week, my keyboard and mouse will suddenly stop working, around 2-3 times a day. I can fix the problem by pulling out the respective USB connectors for the mouse and keyboard from their USB port, then simply reinserting them (but obviously this is a hassle). Any help would be...
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Sandra - Maria Magdalena 1985

    :cool: :stars:
  4. kemical

    Sandra Update

    Sandra 16.10 SiSoftware has released a new Link Removed due to 404 Error of the free system information utility Sandra.
  5. kemical

    SiSoft Sandra updated to 15.124 SP3a

    So what's new in it for you? 1. Support for Windows 7 RTM, built and tested with the latest Windows 7 tools. 2. New OpenCL GPGPU benchmarks: complete set of OpenCL benchmarks in addition to the existing CUDA & STREAM versions: 3. New OpenGL GFX benchmarks: complete set of OpenGL benchmarks with...