
  1. J

    Windows 7 Driver_Irql_Not_Less_Or_Equal Bsod

    Getting a DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSOD when playing SC2 for about an hour or so. Recently upgraded my memory, but I've been having graphics card driver issues for a while. All the relevant info is attached
  2. R

    Windows 7 Blue screens experienced only during gameplay

    Hello, everyone. I've been having a lot of trouble with my computer this past week because of blue screens during my gaming. I've been mostly playing SC2 and Heroes of Newerth, so crashing a bunch of times is not only annoying but it hurts my record as well. I just recently purchased an ATI...
  3. V

    Windows 7 BSoD help please

    Hi guys, I have been having trouble with BSoDs for a few months now, primarily when playing SC2 but also when doing some simple things like browsing the web or word processing. I have already tried: Removing all non-essential programs Reinstalling Windows 7 Purchasing a new Hard Drive...