
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO GOP Senator: We may subpoena Pres. Trump's tax returns

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    VIDEO That's how Dictators get Started Republican Senator John McCain on Trump's actions with the Press

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    VIDEO Sen. Tom Cotton: 'Help Is on the Way'

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    VIDEO Mike Gabbard, Hawaii State Senator, plays Guitalele

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    VIDEO SOPA Blackout Angers Fmr Senator Turned Lobbyist Dodd

  6. cybercore

    Senator Suing God Urges Judge to Proceed

    Link Removed - Invalid URL OMAHA, Neb. (AP) --State Sen. Ernie Chambers says his lawsuit against God might seem funny but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a serious point. Chambers asked Douglas County District Judge Marlon Polk on Tuesday to let his lawsuit proceed. Chambers said he wants...