server standard

  1. Random Bluescreen Crashes On Server 2019/16 With No Consistent Reason

    Hey I've been struggling with these rather odd and entirely random Blue Screen crashes on my server. I had a hardware upgrade last month and ever sicne then there has been an endless torrent of issues. I have managed to remove a lot of them, 2 errors were due to 2 dead HDD's and another down...
  2. N

    Windows Server Standard removal from Domain

    Hi Guys Will apologise in advance for the vagueness of what I am about to ask. First of all, I will tell you what I have, and what I have done/planned to do. I have a server that is running Windows Server Standard. It has Active Directory installed and the client PC's are connected to the...
  3. A

    Windows 7 Does anyone know what is product.ini in the ISO source folder?

    Hello everybody... I wonder if anyone knows what it is product.ini the ISO file that is inside the sources folder ... This is the content: [sku]...