
  1. Windows 10 I have a few suggestions for windows 10 for better looks

    i'm Talking about windows 10 shape/looks, changing the shape of windows will give the more advantage to Windows 10, all you SHOULD have to make the shape pretty cute like windows 7, and also change the windows 10 wallpapers and background colors into cute and pretty shape (present shape doesn't...
  2. Windows 7 [C#] Marshalling, Pointers, Structs & Classes Full Example

    class ShapeClass { public unsafe Shape* Polygon; } struct Shape { public unsafe Shape(char* name, int numsides) { Sides = numsides; Name = name; } public unsafe char* Name; public int Sides; } private unsafe void MainMethod() { char[] name =...
  3. Windows 7 Icon graphics missing?

    EDIT: Ok, weirdest thing ever but suddenly there is no problem... This was like this all day until now. Check out the picture of my desktop: Basically most of the icon graphics for my computer disappeared and were replaced with the standard windows icon cover... (some still remain) It's...