share folder

  1. Windows 7 Unable to Network Two Windows 7 64bit New Computers

    Yes, I have read the many network issues associated with Windows 7 64 bit Computers(as with other OS's). Have have tried many suggestions... everything seems to be set the way it is suppose to be, but I am still unable to share files between two Windows 7 64 bit Computers. My Equipment: Two new...
  2. W

    Windows 7 Windows7 and Share file access

    Hi all, I connect to our file server (Windows 2003 R2) and then access the share folder. I have full permission on that folder.I tried to change the folder name or i move the folder, sometime I can change and sometime I can't change. Nobody is using that folder. At that time only one me access...
  3. Windows 7 Windows 7 + .bat file on a NAS : doesn't work

    Hi, I have a NAS (synology) and windows 7 computers. I can acces in share folder in my Filestation, all is fine. The BIG problem is : i can not execute .bat file on this share folder. It is a big problem. If i create a share folder on a Windows 7, .bat files work. On the Filestation : doesn't...
  4. E

    Windows Vista VPN Client Issues

    Hi, Im trying to connect a win vista ultimate with a winxp machine through IPSec tunnel using Draytek vpn smart client but I get error message "a device attached to system is not functioning" with no err number when trying to connect to share folder with Link Removed. The vpn works fine when...