shell script

  1. xen111

    Windows 7 How to create a 'smart view' with symbolic links

    I haven't done any programming for a long time, and virtually haven't done any Windows scripting since the days of MS-DOS. For my digital audio needs I am planning to separate my music collection into 3 folder trees: - lossless albums - lossy albums inclusive - lossy albums exclusive. The...
  2. News

    "Cannot Allocate Memory" error when you run a shell script in Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2

  3. News

    "Cannot Allocate Memory" error when you run a shell script in Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R

  4. News

    "Cannot Allocate Memory" error when you run a shell script in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2

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  5. News

    "Cannot Allocate Memory" error when you run a shell script in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2

  6. U

    Windows Vista reading vista registry...urgent

    hello, i am facing a problem ad need an urgent solution....i wrote a shell script to read the registry to detect whether an activex control has been installed on a vista machine. the script is as follows: ------- Option Explicit Dim WshShell, datePickerFileName,fso Const ForRead = 1 On...