shortcut error

  1. Windows 10 Cd Drive Not Tetected After Windows 10 Upgrade

    On July 30th I upgraded by computer to the Windows 10 operating system. Since then, however, my CD/DVD drive is not detected and/or recognized. The icon on my desktop has a big question mark on it. If I click that, I get the following error message: The item 'E:\' that this shortcut refers...
  2. "Warning 1946" message when you install a Windows Installer package in Windows 7

    Describes an issue in which you receive a "Warning 1946. Property 'System.AppUserModel.NoPin' for shortcut 'Shortcut name.lnk' could not be set" message when you install an .msi file in Windows 7. This warning can be ignored as the .msi file is installed. Link Removed