
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO 'Extreme Skepticism' Of Moscow's Claims Of Scaling Back Invasion

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Neal Katyal: I’m Skeptical Of Barr’s Approach To Mueller Report | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Scientist Claims to Have Found Alien Chip in Napoleon Bonaparte’s Skull

    Sounds fishy = Fish and chips :up:
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO BBC 3 Bullsh!t detectors exposes three mediums

  5. News

    Metro apps on Windows 7 is a bad, bad idea

    As we move closer to the launch of Windows 8 -- and the sea change that the Metro user interface brings to the platform -- there's an ever increasing drumbeat of both skepticism, concern, and apprehension depending on who you talk to. End users are skeptical of Metro because they do not see its...
  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Harold Camping Talks About The People Who Dont Take His Predictions Seriously

  7. whoosh

    Geiger counters sell out in Japan

    The hot, new, must-have item in Japan is not the latest smartphone or computer pad, but a geiger counter - a device that measures radiation. After the operator of the Fukushima nuclear plant this week confirmed meltdowns in three of the facility's reactors, geiger counters have sold out in...
  8. whoosh

    Believers' Reactions Mixed to Unfulfilled Doomsday

    The hour of the apocalypse came quietly and went the same way — leaving those who believed that Saturday evening would mark the world's end confused, or more faithful, or just philosophical. Believers had spent months warning the world of the pending cataclysm. Some had given away earthly...
  9. cybercore

    Shoes That Can Run On Water

    As many of you will have seen, there has been a video sweeping the internet worldwide under the name Liquid Mountaineering. The documentary-type film features three guys running on water thanks to the water repellent qualities of their Hi-Tec shoes. Amassing more than 8.5 million YouTube...
  10. News

    Windows 8 App Store Screenshots Fake After All

    Good thing I reserved a dose of skepticism for those Windows 8 App Store screenshots that surfaced earlier this month, because they turned out to be a sham. According to iStartedSomething, the images are actually from a third-party Chinese application downloader and manager, called App Marts...
  11. cybercore

    Face of Jesus appears on log

    The face of Jesus has been very busy, appearing on chicken feathers, a tea towel and a drainpipe among many other places – and it's come to light that it's also turned up on the end of a wooden log. The log's owner, Mel Robertson, calls it the 'holy log' and says that she keeps it as a...
  12. whoosh

    How To Shaft People With Science !

    The most important words are " Don't Panic!" Use those words constantly . Some people may even believe you . People tend to be gullible and easily lead . Never admit fault , blame anything but yourselves. The glass is alway's half full not half empty , emphasise the positive. Finally you know...
  13. kemical

    New photo of 'English Nessie' hailed as best yet

    New photo of 'English Nessie' hailed as best yet Pictures of a mysterious creature surfacing from Lake Windermere have been hailed as the best ever sighting of the English Loch Ness Monster, or "Bownessie". This is believed to be the eighth sighting of a long humpbacked creature, known...
  14. News

    New Migration Tool Seeks To Spur Adoption Of Windows 7

    More than a year after its introduction, adoption of Microsoft Windows 7 is at only 10 percent in the enterprise market. Prowess, a maker of software to simplify migration, is improving its tools to accomplish increased adoption of Windows 7, even as its CEO expresses skepticism at industry...
  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Ben Goldacre on Homeopathy

  16. cybercore

    VIDEO You Can't Trust Science !
