slow pc

  1. N

    Windows 7 wtf 200 processes

    OK, the last 2 weeks on my computer with win7 has been really slow. When i open up task manager i get over 200 processes runnign at once. 50 of them are cmd.exe and I cant remember the other 50. This makes my pc rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyyyyy slow. And no its not my...
  2. phamtuanchip

    Windows 7 Gadgets does not work !

    i am using windows 7 build 7000 and have no gadgets. I tried to turn on gadgets or run window sidebar but the system is broken , usage cpu very height and pc slow down. Anybody has the same ?, how can fix it ?. I am sure that i did not remove gadgets form program manager
  3. C

    Windows Vista Vista Doesn't Stop Loading ! HELP !

    HI ! When I start up my vista. it's perfectly fine.... and then when i go to my documents and start browsing through files... then my vista will start loading and loading and loading and makes my pc slow and slow and slower.... taskmanager says nothing is using my memory, but according to the...