
  1. C

    Windows XP Outlook Express has suddenly become intolerably sluggish

    It began late last week. Outlook Express takes a very long time to show its GUI at all, a long time after that to become responsive, and when it does become responsive it is intolerably slow. Prior to this Outlook Express has functioned very well for me. I greatly prefer it to Windows Live Mail...
  2. E

    Windows 7 Transfer Speeds & System Haults to Sluggish.

    I am wondering if it is my hdd or something else, if I transfer a big file "3gig" from partition 2 to partition 1, at the same time, open up IE or anything, My system becomes very sluggish, transfer speeds shows copying the 3 gig file from 30 mb/s & drops to 20 mb/s when I try to open something...