social change

  1. Microsoft Edge and SEQUENCE partner to highlight traditional artisanal techniques with 3D...

    Behind every bracelet and tote created by the young artists of SEQUENCE is a compelling story of creativity and lasting community change. At retail stores, this story and its meaning might not be conveyed to customers, so SEQUENCE’s founder, Ariela Suster, partnered with Microsoft Edge to create...
  2. VIDEO Allan Nairn: Only Mass Disruption From Below Can Stop Right-Wing Revolution & Trump's Absolute Power

  3. Windows partners with nonprofit CARE to build healthy communities through technology

    Saharsa, one of the poorest rural communities in Bihar, India has among the highest infant mortality rates in the country ‒ 42 per 1,000 live births. There has been a system for community health care worker home visitation and support in place, but digging through multiple written sources to...
  4. Could Fukushima provide catalyst for Japanese youth to reach criticality?

    TOKYO — Calls to protest bring thousands, the conventional press is shunned and rogue academics suddenly find people are willing to listen—it would be going too far to say Japan was joining the “Arab Spring,” but the nuclear crisis has shown there are limits to youth apathy in this country...
  5. Peter Pan syndrome: Does the rise of women mean men will never grow up?

    Does the rise of women mean men will never grow up? It's a widely-agreed belief that girls mature faster than boys. But a new book claims that an increasing number of men never grow up at all. Author Kay S. Hymowitz says that the rise of women at school and in the workplace is fuelling a...