
  1. D

    Windows Vista very unique vista error ive never seen and cannot resolve myself

    The glitch has to do with my mouse pointer and doesnt happen on my desktop only on the web. My partial workaround is to set the vista aero beam icon to the beam_r icon, this helps but doesnt fix everything. this is where it happens most on these types of pages with this various fonts and...
  2. Matt

    Post your rig's specs

    AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ BFG GeForce 7800GT OC 2GB OCZ DDR 500 RAM MSI K8N Diamond 4 harddrives, 160GB RAID 0, 250GB sata, and 80Gb sata Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
  3. U

    Windows Vista Vista compabaility with budget laptops....?

    Hi - I have a simplish question I was hoping someone could help me with. Basically I'm about to buy a budget laptop (say £500 / $1000) for simple home use (writing, DivX film watching etc)... just the usual stuff. My problem is that I'm encountering contrasting advice about the...