
  1. News

    Hyperledger Needs Enterprise Developers to Buy-in to Blockchain

    Hyperledger executive director Brian Behlendorf and his team are working to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies through engaging enterprise developers. Continue reading...
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Rolls Back Fuel Efficiency Standards

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO That Mitchell and Webb Look - Standards

    :razz: :rofl:
  4. News

    Microsoft Edge and Web Components

    Editor’s note: This is part two of a two-part series on Web Components by Microsoft Edge engineers Link Removed and Link Removed. To read more about our viewpoint and background on web components, please see part one, “Bringing componentization to the web: An overview of Web Components.“...
  5. News

    Microsoft Edge and Web Components

    Editor’s note: This is part two of a two-part series on Web Components by Microsoft Edge engineers Link Removed and Link Removed. To read more about our viewpoint and background on web components, please see part one, “Bringing componentization to the web: An overview of Web Components.“...
  6. News

    Working Toward Universal Interoperability in IoT

    Today’s Internet of Things landscape is a modern day Tower of Babel – a proliferation of communication protocols and data formats across the device ecosystem that make it difficult for devices to “speak the same language” and work together in harmony. This reality makes it difficult for us to...
  7. News

    Building a more interoperable Web with Microsoft Edge

    Over the past year the Microsoft Edge team has been hard at work on a new browser engine that will be better than ever at correctly, quickly, and reliably rendering the Web. As a user, your favorite web sites will just work, and as a web developer, you will find that Microsoft Edge should just...
  8. News

    JavaScript moves forward in Microsoft Edge with ECMAScript 6 and beyond

    ECMAScript is the official name for the JavaScript language we all know and love. The next version of ECMAScript, ES6 (henceforth referred to by its new name, ES2015), is nearing the end of its standards process journey. At this stage Link Removed is final and will not be receiving any further...
  9. whoosh

    VIDEO That Mitchell and Webb Look - Standards

  10. News

    Hassell close to full Windows 7 rollout

    Revamps app virtualisation, hardware standards. More...
  11. News

    Windows 7 Mohsen Agsen - C++ Today and Tomorrow

    The last time we got the chance to talk to Mohsen Agsen, a Microsoft Technical Fellow who runs the Visual C++ engineering team, he put forward the notion of a renaissance taking place in the native world. Shortly thereafter, we created the catchy Link Removed mantra. (Mohsen is great at building...
  12. News

    Windows 7 Conversation with Herb Sutter: Perspectives on Modern C++(0x/11)

    I was lucky enough to catch up with Herb Sutter not too long after the FDIS announcement (Final Draft International Standard is complete). As usual when talking to Herb, the conversation is all about C++ (well, we do talk about C# for a little while, but in the context of C++. Why? Tune in...)...
  13. cybercore

    CIOs must start planning for HTML 5.0 now

    The browser has become the single piece of software most widely deployed and used. Apple, Microsoft, Google and Firefox's Mozilla are in a race to develop more functional browsers. The core functionality of these browsers must be the same to comply with W3C standards, but they compete on the...
  14. News

    Windows 7 Microsoft SDL Requirements Phase – Security Practices

    Chris and Robert explain the benefits of following the Microsoft SDL to building more secure, reliable, and standard-compliant software. Link Removed More...
  15. whoosh

    Japanese Goverment raises acceptable radiation levels for children

    On April 19th, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) notified the Board of Education and related institutions in Fukushima Prefecture the level of 20 milli-sievert per year (mSv/y) as a Radiation Safety Standard for schools in Fukushima Prefecture. This is the...
  16. whoosh

    Japan sets new radiation safety level for seafood | EPA trying to do the same

    TOKYO (AP) — The government set its first radiation safety standards for fish Tuesday after Japan's tsunami-ravaged nuclear plant reported radioactive contamination in nearby seawater measuring at several million times the legal limit. The plant operator insisted that the radiation will rapidly...
  17. whoosh

    EPA creates new safety limitsPosted: 09 Apr 2011 00:45

    EPA’s Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA) plans to update its 1992 PAG, “governing radiation protection decisions for both short (and) long-term cleanup standards.” However, agency experts object, including Stuart Walker of the Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation...
  18. whoosh

    Japan sets new radiation safety level for seafood

    Japan's government set its first radiation safety standards for fish today after its tsunami-ravaged nuclear plant reported radioactive contamination in nearby seawater measuring at several million times the legal limit. The plant operator insisted that the radiation will rapidly disperse and...
  19. News

    Microsoft lock-in forces European Commission into Windows 7 upgrade talks

    The European Commission has been forced into extraordinary negotiations with Microsoft because it is locked in to using the vendor's software and standards. More...
  20. whoosh

    Japan Earthquake Highlights U.S. Nuclear Risk, Scientists Say

    NEW YORK (Reuters) – The massive earthquake that forced the closure of four nuclear power plants in Japan has highlighted the grave risk of inadequate back-up generators at U.S. facilities, a leading U.S. scientist group said on Friday. While the U.S. regulator made clear that the national...