
  1. maddmaxx

    Windows 7 How to Customize Windows 7 Mouse Cursor with CursorXP

    I have always hated the standard cursors that come with any version of Windows so I bought a second party software namely Cursor XP from Stardock. I finally got it to work in 7. The standard settings in 7 do not allow you to mirror your mouse, ( switch it from pointing left to pointing right.)...
  2. L

    Windows 7 Software that gives you one install or

    There are several software programs around including shareware that you can only install once or twice before you have to shall we say beg, plead, or whatever to have your reinstall amount reset so that you can use the program again. Name a few no problem, Dap ( Download Accelerator) 3...
  3. L

    Windows Vista Enhancing Your Desktop Experience with Stardock: Themes, Toolbars, and More

    Anyone else try Stardock's line of goodies for sprucing up your desktops? From themes to toolbars to icons and a lot more. While it may get a little costly it can also be a lot of fun and a great learning experience. I for one love AERO and only hope it improves even more. Eye candy is my...
  4. G

    Windows Vista Icon Packager

    well i've read about the iconpackager of stardock and it is a really nice software except that i wil have to buy it, which i'm not allowed to. is there a similar freewrae???:confused: