storage expansion

  1. W

    Windows 10 Reviving Windows 10 on harddrive

    Hey guys, My PC croaked on me what has been 3 years ago now. I tried moving my hard drive to a different computer and that's when I discovered Windows 10 is very particular about what computer it's on with the licensing. Gone are the days apparently of just moving a hard drive to a new...
  2. Rapaaja

    Windows 10 Unallocated disk space

    Bookspace disk space I noticed that I have unallocated disk space on the system disk. Quite a lot, in relation to the size of the disc in question, and so I like to use it. Does Windows have any tool / option to add it to C drive? The disk space reserved for programs and applications would...
  3. C

    Windows 10 Blue Screen With New Hardrive

    Adding a second HDD to my PC is causing a blue screen on boot. I hope someone can help me with this. I have a spare HDD from a recently upgraded laptop lying around and want to install it in my desktop in addition to the 1 SSD I have in there currently. The problem is once I connect the drive...
  4. D

    Windows 7 Can I reinstall a Win 7 Image to a larger partition?

    Hello: I had fist installed Win 7 in a separate partition so that I could dual boot between XP and Windows 7 until I was confortable that Win 7 was for me. I'm now happy with Win 7. XP is now on partion D:\ and Win 7 is on partion C:\. I just took an image of drive C:\ onto an external DVD...