striker ii

  1. J

    Windows 7 Soundmax DTS using SPDIF Striker II Formula

    I'm kind of new around here but i've been readin the forums for a bit now, i see a lot of problems with DTS and sound cards, and i'm having the same issues. I'm useing my SPDIF port on the back of my board that supports DTS and has worked in the past with windows xp 64 bit.. Then I upgraded...
  2. J

    Windows 7 Asus Striker II Formula, Sata and Windows 7 Install Problem

    Hi All, I wanted to install Windows 7 today, but I get stuck when it asks me for drivers for my SATA DVD Drive (Asus 2014L1T Drive). I have tried selecting the Drivers from the Motherboard CD, but nothing seems to work.. I am installing Windows 7 RC7100 64Bit, but it happens on 32Bit...